FINAL DEADLINE TO SUBMIT IS 11:59 PM on December 31, 2024
Receive call for entries, deadlines and news from FPA Awards
FPA Professional Food Photography Awards 2024
In 2024, the General Incorporated Association, Japan Food Photographer Association, will host its inaugural cooking photography contest: FPA Professional Food Photography Awards 2024. Aiming to elevate the cultural momentum of food photography, we promise that this award will hold significant value for all food photographers. We eagerly await entries from both professionals and amateurs from around the world.

Jullianne Medeiros / Spain
Jullianne Medeiros is a photographer, food stylist, and art director. Her work ranges from documentary and social photography to the visual storytelling of gastronomy and still life. She is the director of "ABOUT Magazine" and the founder of the creative retreats "With Other Eyes." Throughout her career, she has been awarded 2nd place in the Pink Lady competition in 2024 and 2nd place in 2022 in the "Food Stylist" category, solidifying her style within fine art photography. Her inspiration comes from storytelling, exploring new cultures, nature, and natural light.
ジュリアン・メデイロス氏は、フォトグラファー、フードスタイリスト、アートディレクターとして高い評価を得ており、その作品はドキュメンタリーや社会的テーマを扱う写真から、ガストロノミーや静物を目に見える視覚的なストーリーテリングに至るまで多岐にわたります。「ABOUT Magazine」のディレクターを務め、また、クリエイティブ・リトリート「With Other Eyes」の暫定者としても知られています。 「フードスタイリスト」部門で同様に2位に輝くなど、ファインアート写真の分野でそのスタイルを確立しています。彼女の作品は、物語性、新たな文化の探求、自然の美、そして自然光を巧みに取り入れた独自の視点からインスピレーションを得ており、その洗練された感性が多くのサポートを集めています。
Contest Guidelines
Food Photography
Photos related to food, such as dishes, food items, and table photography
No age limit on submissions
Open to amateur and professional artists
All nationalities are eligible
Open to artists from all the countries of the world
Submission Deadline
December 31, 2024
You may submit entries as many times as you like during the submission period
Announcement of Winners
Winners and finalists are planned to be announced in late January 2024
・FPA Food Photographer of the year 2024 (Professional category)
Prize money: $350. Exhibition of works at the gallery.
・FPA Food Photographer of the year 2024 (Non-professional category)
Prize money: $200. Exhibition of works at the gallery.
One person per category. Exhibition of works at the gallery.
・Special Jury Prize
One person per category. Exhibition of works at the gallery.
Finalists from each category will either win the top prize, the best stylist, the special jury prize, or be selected as honorable mentions. Additionally, as a supplementary reward, winners will be presented with a certificate and a logo symbolizing their victory.
Participation in the Exhibition
Finalists will have the opportunity to participate in the FPA Professional Food Photography Awards Winners Exhibition to showcase their works.
(Please note that costs related to printing, framing, and other display expenses will be borne by the individual. However, awardees of the Grand Prize through Special Prizes will have these costs fully covered.)
Additionally, selected winners from outside Japan will have the opportunity to exhibit their works for free. (Location: Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan)
Early Entry
Entries for October
Non Professional
Photos taken with smartphones are also eligible for submission. We look forward to entries from individuals with diverse backgrounds.
Early Entry
Entries for October
Non Professional
FINAL DEADLINE TO SUBMIT IS 11:59 PM on December 31, 2024
Judging Criteria
Does the photo astonish the viewer with unexpected angles or expressions?
Does the photo convey more than just the dish, perhaps a story or a cultural context? Evaluation of its narrative quality.
Thematic Clarity:
Is the overall theme or concept of the photo clear?
Does it possess a style or technique that differentiates it from other photos?
Does the photo reflect the emotions or thoughts of the photographer and move the viewer?
Is the photo taken from a fresh idea or unique perspective? Does it stand apart from the rest?
Overall Photographic Strength:
Does the photo exhibit quality in its overall composition, color scheme, brightness, and techniques?
Emotional Impact:
Does the work evoke emotions or moods in the viewer?
We wholeheartedly welcome challenges in food photography!
The criteria we've set are guidelines intended to honor the multifaceted appeal of food photography and to ensure a fair evaluation. However, these criteria are not meant to be definitive or limiting. What we truly anticipate is photography that expresses each photographer's unique perspective, passion, and love for food. Some of you might wonder if your works meet these criteria, but regardless of your approach or style, we genuinely wish to see the stories and emotions imbued in your food photos.
To expand the horizons of food photography culture together, we eagerly await submissions from photographers of all levels, from novices to professionals.
FPA Professional food photography awards
FPA Awards (Professional Food Photography Awards) serve as a platform to celebrate and enhance the allure and value of food photography.
This contest embodies the following objectives and significance
Improvement in Food Photography Techniques and Cultural Value:
Food photographers elevate their skills and pursue creative approaches, expressing the deliciousness and essence of food in the best possible manner. This amplifies the cultural value of food photos, giving birth to works that deeply impress viewers.
International Exchange among Food Photography Enthusiasts:
FPA Awards connect food photography enthusiasts worldwide, offering a space to share diverse cultures and perspectives. This promotes cross-border communication and understanding, enriching the worlds of food and photography.
Enhancing Branding Value for Food Photographers:
The contest recognizes the talents and skills of food photographers, emphasizing their professionalism and uniqueness. This enhances their personal branding and career prospects, providing an opportunity to establish themselves as respected members of the industry.
Promotion and Respect for Culinary Culture:
Food photographers have a mission not only to depict deliciousness but also the history and stories behind dishes. The awards help in spreading culinary culture globally, fostering deeper respect and understanding towards food.
Matching Clients with Food Photographers:
The awards serve as a meeting point for clients and food photographers. Photographers with exceptional quality and creativity appeal to clients, aiding in finding the perfect partner for projects.
Contribution from Professionals and Amateurs:
By allowing participation from all levels of food photographers, the contest contributes to the growth of food photography culture. The blend of professional advice and fresh ideas from amateurs spurs overall industry growth.
FPA Awards (Professional Food Photography Awards) explore the allure and cultural significance of food through the powerful fusion of gourmet and photography, offering a fresh perspective to the world.
① Regarding the data requirements, it mentions a long side of 2000 pixels, sRGB, jpg, and a maximum of 4MB per file. Is there a specific resolution requirement like 72dpi or 350dpi?
→ There is no specified resolution requirement for submission. (If the resolution is insufficient when introducing the winning entry on the WEB or elsewhere, we may request that you resubmit the data at a specified resolution.)
② When I compress to JPEG, the file inevitably becomes about 2-3MB. Will a smaller MB size affect the judgment?
→ The photo data size, or having a smaller MB count, will not affect the evaluation in any way.
FPA Awards Privacy Policy
FPA Awards respects the privacy of website users and deeply understands its importance. As a fundamental policy, we do not automatically collect personal information through our website. However, there may be times when users voluntarily provide us with information. In such cases, the information is managed with the utmost care and is used only for the purposes explicitly agreed upon by the user or as specified in this privacy policy.
General non-personal user information, such as the type of browser, operating system, and domain name, may be recorded as a result of the standard operations of the FPA Awards server.
This information is utilized to customize the user's online experience, improve the content of the site, and analyze site usage. Additionally, it might be used for future campaigns and announcements of the FPA Awards. However, unless explicitly declined by the user, it is possible that they could be informed about related third-party products or services.
In particular, data from individuals under the age of 16 is treated with the highest level of caution. We will never disclose or provide this data to any third party.
Privacy Policy
・Collection of Information: We may collect personal information from participants, including but not limited to, their name, address, email address, and phone number.
・Use of Information: The collected information is used for the operation of the award, notification of prizes, and communication of other related information.
・Sharing of Information: We share information with external third parties as necessary, but we do not sell, exchange, or transfer it without permission.
・Protection of Information: We have put in place appropriate measures to ensure the security of participants' personal information.
・Use of Cookies: Our website may use cookies to enhance the user experience.
・Third-Party Links: We may provide links to third-party products or services. These sites have their own independent privacy policies.
・Consent: By participating in this award or using our site, you consent to this privacy policy.
・Changes to the Privacy Policy: This policy may be changed without notice. In case of any changes, a clear notification will be provided on the website.